Sunday 29 April 2012

Tharshika Bala - 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Audience is a group of people who, in this case, the film is targeted at e.g. young adults are our targets for this film whereas social groups are people who interact with each other and aware of having something in common. Our media product focuses on young people and young adults. We used young people in our film so that our audience can relate to it. Also the characters are multi-cultural and different races therefore it widens our audience. Our product is modern with advanced ideas concerning present issues and the fact that race and age does not make a difference.

The majority of teenagers are not bad, it is the media that portray them incorrectly. The public has their view, which is completely understandable as the media says about teenage knife crimes, violence, alcohol, smoking and drugs.  We have represented young people as casual e.g. in this film, no one wears a hoodie and more focused in education e.g. completing their English exam. There are examples of films that show the social groups for instance, ‘American Psycho’, Psycho, ‘Se7en’ and other thriller films.

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