Thursday 10 May 2012

Rumaana Gaffar- Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

An institution is a company that disperses a media product for audience consumption. There are many well known distribution companies but to work out which company will distribute my media product I will have to see the movies they’ve distributed previously and which movies genre and style matches with my media product. I believe Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures would distribute my media product. I reached this conclusion after seeing the movie ‘Paranormal Activity’ which they distributed. Paranormal Activity is a physiological thriller and consists of an unseen ‘things’ existence. If my media product was completed you would be able to see that it’s about children having taken drugs and them not being sure whether there is an unseen ‘things’ existence in the school or if it’s the drugs and this makes my media product a psychological thriller as it’s about playing with the audiences mind as well as the characters.
My media product goes for a very large mainstream audience as it follows many conventions of real media thrillers. It does go against some of the conventions but overall it is acceptable for a mainstream. As well as this my media product concludes of what suspense and thrill that the audience expects from a thriller. I believe that Universal will be willing to distribute my media product as they try going for a very mainstream audience and my media product has also done this so it would fit in very well.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Rumaana Gaffar- Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my media product you may think we have represented one social group of school kids but as you can see these children aren’t in uniform as they leave their exams so we know they’re sixth formers. This then leads on to saying that we have represented the ‘teenagers’ social group not only school children. When people think of teenagers many things come to mind. I have asked a few people to give me the first few things that come to mind when I say typical teenager and I have got these into a brainstorm so that I can evaluate the representation of teenagers in my opening sequence according to the responses I got.
In my media product we have followed some things which directly follow a typical teenager’s stereotype from the brainstorm above. Firstly our media product is based on how the children are planning to take drugs afterschool and teenagers are usually represented with drugs as this shows them being rebellious towards the society and this is one of the characteristics for typical teenagers of this generation. The place in which they’re planning to take drugs is at their school when the school is closed. This shows the students being reckless, looking for trouble by being somewhere where they should be. This also shows they’re spoilt as they are allowed out during late hours and being in such a lonely place at this time would be dangerous and it shows they’re doing it deliberately but unknowingly as they’re still teenagers. This is exactly what a typical teenager would do as they rush into thing and as you can see in our media product, the 2 teenagers didn’t take even half a minute to plan to take drugs. This shows the way teenagers rush into things and this is why they make mistakes as they don’t stop and think about what they’re doing. In today’s society, one thing that means a lot to teenagers are their gadgets so that they can either keep in contact with people that aren’t with them. We have presented this in 2 ways in our opening sequence. Firstly the teenage boy calls the drug dealer and this shows teenagers use their gadgets to connect with other people in the world. On the other hand the teenage girl gives a completely different representation of what gadgets mean to teenagers. She uses her device to listen to music and this shows her blocking herself from her surroundings and this may be just because of her having a rude attitude or just wanted to keep to herself as teenagers like being independent. This also confuses us as audience and this also shows us that teenagers are very difficult to understand. We still can assume what teenagers do and why they do it but you cannot be sure as every individual teenager does things in certain ways for different reasons.
In today’s society the main reason why children become uncontrollable is because they’re trying to live up to societies expectations as, in today’s generation, ‘fitting in’ is a major issue which can lead to kids going to serious extents and getting themselves into serious situations just so that they fit in with the reckless society of school.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Rumaana Gaffar- Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

There are many conventions of opening sequences for all genres in general. The conventions for opening sequences that we followed are shown below:
  • Name of production companies
  • Main actors
  • Movie title
  • Certificate of age 
The Genre of our media product is a 'Thriller' and the final product has elements which are conventional and unconventional for thrillers specifically which I will elaborate on in the following. If you look at many conventional thrillers you’ll notice they have the same group of characteristics:
è Suspense, excitement, mystery, escape, fast speed, tension, terror, alerting the audience and keeping them on the edge of their seats.
è They tend to have a protagonist who is either trying to escape, on a mission or trying to solve a mystery and thrillers keep emphasising what the protagonist faces but this isn’t shown in our media product as it’s only the opening.
è Common subgenres of thrillers would be crime, mystery, political, and psychological.

Story and Setting

Conventional thrillers often present the world and society as a dark corrupt and dangerous place. There are two main settings used in most thriller films. Firstly they’re set in an everyday environment so that the audience can relate with the characters and feel as if they’re in the characters shoes. This then creates fear as the audience begin to think that if the environment matches their lifestyle then the occurrences can also take place in their own life. Secondly, thrillers use a night time setting as this gives the sense of danger and usually crimes take place in the night so is makes the audience feel more uneasy.

In our thriller we planned to follow the conventions of real media products by having the thriller starting in a daily environment at a school during an exam. As it was only an opening we didn’t get to present the second setting which would be the reckless children breaking into the school during late hours on the same day once the school is locked and lonely which is another conventional setting for a thriller.

The tension usually arises when the character/characters are placed in a menacing situation, a mystery or a trap from which escaping seems impossible. We have used this convention but it isn’t shown in the opening sequence as the tension usually arises later in the story but our treatment can be used to show the use of this convention. Our opening sequence does show the students buying the drugs and following on from this our treatment tells us how the drugs then lead to a menacing situation at the school. They’re then trapped in the school which then follows another convention and the aim for the student is to try escaping which seems impossible at the time as they’re on drugs and unaware of what is actually going on.

Conventional thriller are usually set at night time but there may be some parts of which take place during the day time. Commonly the most important scenes of action take place at night when it’s quite dark so that a dangerous and mysterious atmosphere can be created and this is what a producer looks for when filming for a thriller movie. An example of real media that followed this convention could be all the series of ‘Paranormal Activity’. This is because there were minor unusual things which took place during the day hinting that something isn’t right but the major incidents took place at night which clarified the  existence of an inhuman ‘thing’ in the house.

Some real media products that have followed the conventions to an extreme extent would be 'Women in Black' as it is set at an abandoned house and this makes the movie go according to the audiences expectations.

As well as this, on the right is a shot of the surroundings of the main setting where the movie is filmed. As you can see its very lonely and this also goes with the conventions of a thriller.
As you can see there are no people around the house and this helps to create the lonely environment. However in my media product i challenged this conventions of this real media by setting the scene in a school. The scene has many people and this goes against the lonely environment setting and gets rid of any sense of danger but by doing this, I can then later shock the audience by having the same school being in a totally different environment and it shall also go with the convention of a abandoned and lonely place.

Another setting which was used during  my opening sequence is where the drug dealing took place. In comparison to the beginning of our opening sequence which didn't follow any conventions this completely followed the conventions of a thriller. As you can see the environment looks lonely where we can only see one person. As well as this the weather doesn't seem good as the tree has no leaves and this also creates a less pleasant atmosphere.  

Title Presentation with Sounds

In most conventional thrillers there is either a soundtrack played as the title appears or there is no sound at all to show the significance of the title. As well as this the title has usually got a transition which helps increase the importance of it and a soundtrack is usually played in the background.

It is also conventional for the titles of a thriller to be done over a black screen as it can easily represent the contrast between good and evil but it can also be done over a white screen with black text as it creates the same impact. The way women in black is shown on the right is a good example of this but it has gone against the convention being extremely simple by showing part of the window and something black moving.
Another example of a white background and the title in black would be 'Orphan'. As you can see the title in this is very short and shown very simply. This helps create emphasis of the word in the movie. Or in this case of the importance of the 'Orphan'. As the word appears out of the ripple you hear a young child singing 'that's the story of, that's the glory of, love' and usually you'll hear a young child a song and usually it would be nothing to do with love because at this age children children don't really know the meaning of love. This then gives the impact that the child is either wierd or maybe they don't think like a child. This effect goes very well with the story line as the young child is actually an elderly women in a young girls body.

Another real media example would be ‘Scream 1’. We see the transition in this to be the work “SCREAM” is highlighted in red three times as we hear the phone ringing. This then creates the sense of warning or an alert. As we hear the phone ringing at the same time, we can consider that the warnings may have been given over the phone. As well as this the colour Red has connotations of blood and murder which reminds the audience of the movies genre. As we get nearer to the last flash of red (last warning), we begin hearing a screaming sound which can mean that we are too late, danger is here or it can be a call for help. While the screaming sound it heard the word “SCREAM” is stretched larger across the screen then back to the middle which could be the symbolism of someone’s mouth opening and closing. The use of the colours red and white on a black background give the significance of good and evil. Usually thrillers wouldn't use this many sounds when showing the title but this thriller has. 

Another example I can use would be 'Paranormal Activity 3'. As you can see it follows 2 conventions, Firstly it is on a black background with white text and secondly it is very simple.

In my media product we followed the convention used in 'Orphan' and 'Paranormal Activity 3' with the very simple presentation. As well as this I have used the convention of a black background with white text from 'Paranormal Activity 3' and 'Scream'. I have also used the one word title convention from 'Scream' and 'Orphan' because I think one word title helps create a huge impact. The transition used when the word 'Gone' is shown makes the work have a shaking shiver effect and then it blurres a few times making the word 'Gone' clear and unclear. The background is rushing black and white which creates a slightly mysterious atmosphere. The sound effect used sounds slightly errie making us feel slightly useasy.

In most conventional thrillers there is usually a victim who is presented as weak and vulnerable. To do this usually middle aged female is used because they can easily be represented as powerless and weak whereas a male looks masculine and strong so it would be more difficult to represent them as the victim.

As well as this audience usually expect the victim to be a young blonde woman. In ‘Scream 1’ they have used this convention
very well and in the continuing ‘Scream’ movies they have gone partially against the convention by having a dark haired girl as the victim. 

We followed the convention of a female vulnerable girl as our victim but challenged the real media convention of a blonde victim by using a girl with dark hair.

Another convention in real media products is having a villain who is either shown but in disguise or unseen but made aware of their existence. We didn’t get the opportunity to either follow or go against this convention because the action in the movie started later on and we only produced an opening sequence.

Hitchcock's films often placed an innocent victim (an average, responsible person) into a strange, life-threatening or terrorizing situation. We followed this having a vulnerable girl as the victim when she is placed in the locked school during the night with an unknown killer.

If you look at the real media ‘Orphan (2009)’ it challenges the conventions of a thriller. In a thriller a young girl would usually be represented as a victim whereas in ‘Orphan’ the young girl is the villain. The victims are a whole family and usually there is one main victim that the story is based around but this time the story is based around a vulnerable group of people who are in danger from young girl. Even just hearing one person being in danger from a child sound unacceptable as children are nearly always the weak vulnerable ones. We then later realise the young girl isn’t actually a young girl but a women with an illness which means she doesn’t grow older and this begins to slightly clear the confusion in the viewers mind.


Many real media products present the villain dressed in dark colours, usually black to represent evil and the face is usually pale white, unseen or in disguise and this helps create a mysterious character. Whereas the victim is usually dressed in light colours to represent a pure personality and to show they’re vulnerable and helpless. This means the audience can clearly define who are the ‘baddies’ and ‘goodies’ or villains and victims. For example if you look at the movies like ‘Scream (1996)’ they have followed the all the conventions in terms of the costume colors. As you can see the victim is wearing a light colored jumper with light bottoms.

The villain has also be dressed following the conventions of a thriller. First he is in disguised with the mask and secondly he is wearing a black overall and this color helps define he is the villain as black is usually worn to represent evil.

In my media product we went against the conventions of costumer for the victims because as you can see in the image they're dressed in slightly dark color are victims are usually dressed in light colors.

Because our final product was just the opening we didn't get a chance to show the villains appearance but to the audience the drug dealer would have looked like the villain. This is because he was following the conventions of a thriller movie in terms costume. This is because he was dressed in fully black and his face was barely shown but from what we saw it was pale white and this created a mysterious character.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Tharshika Bala - 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think I have made vast improvements, from my preliminary task to my completed final film introduction. I found that a range of camera angles was used e.g. close up, extreme close up, panning shot, handheld and so forth. The editing used worked well with the opening. It made it look very professional. Also, I only filmed each clip twice to see which is done better. It gave us a chance to see how good we are and try differently to the other person. Furthermore, I ensured I continued filming a few seconds before and after filming a shot so that I did not miss any crucial dialogue. We did planning for example storyboards to see how the film will be made, how many seconds for each scene taken, how the shot should be positioned, what other details need to be included and so forth. It helped a lot as it made sure what scenes that needed to be filmed and to refer back to it to see if it is completed.
When doing the preliminary task, we needed a location to do our filming in. We decided to do it the room next to the Mac room. The script is very short. Only two characters are talking when they come out of the exam room. We had to do research before starting to film the thriller opening. As well as doing questionnaires, we looked at other thriller openings and trailers on YouTube to get an idea of how we should do our thriller opening. We also looked at thriller conventions to see what we can include on our thriller opening.

Tharshika Bala - 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We have learnt about a lot of technologies during the time making our thriller opening. IMovie is a video editing software application sold by Apple Inc. It was used to edit our opening. By using iMovie on the Mac, we learnt some new techniques like trimming clips, changing the contrast & lighting, changing the audio volume and so forth. iMovie was quick and easy to use. GarageBand is a software application for Mac OS X and iOS that allows users to create music or podcasts. It was used to insert a soundtrack for our opening. This was useful as we found the music we needed to make our movie effective.

Camera was the most important technology as we filmed the film. We learn to use different shots and angles to make our film look like a thriller film. Photoshop is a digital image editing application for the Internet, print and other new media disciplines. It was used to make the certificate and the name of the film. Photoshop was helpful as it made the certificate look realistic and the title was fantastic. YouTube is a video-sharing website which users can upload, view and share videos. It was used to upload the video and transfer it to put on the blog. YouTube was very obliging as YouTube videos can be opened in any sites and easy to access. Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.