Sunday 29 April 2012

Tharshika Bala - 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think I have made vast improvements, from my preliminary task to my completed final film introduction. I found that a range of camera angles was used e.g. close up, extreme close up, panning shot, handheld and so forth. The editing used worked well with the opening. It made it look very professional. Also, I only filmed each clip twice to see which is done better. It gave us a chance to see how good we are and try differently to the other person. Furthermore, I ensured I continued filming a few seconds before and after filming a shot so that I did not miss any crucial dialogue. We did planning for example storyboards to see how the film will be made, how many seconds for each scene taken, how the shot should be positioned, what other details need to be included and so forth. It helped a lot as it made sure what scenes that needed to be filmed and to refer back to it to see if it is completed.
When doing the preliminary task, we needed a location to do our filming in. We decided to do it the room next to the Mac room. The script is very short. Only two characters are talking when they come out of the exam room. We had to do research before starting to film the thriller opening. As well as doing questionnaires, we looked at other thriller openings and trailers on YouTube to get an idea of how we should do our thriller opening. We also looked at thriller conventions to see what we can include on our thriller opening.

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